by Christina Williams
For a long time I have been thinking about writing. For me personally, I love to write. Writing is very important to people because it is another way to educate peoples’ minds. These are frequently asked questions about writing that I want to explain. Why is writing so important?
Lots of times people have often asked this question. I think writing is very cool. Some ideas just “pop” into a writer’s mind. The writer can’t do other things because these are constantly bothering him/her. The only thing that will make it go away is to write it all down. At first, it may not make much sense. But, with some work of revising it, writing can be a piece of art!!
What should I write about?
You can write about anything you choose to. Ideas don’t magically “pop” into your head so quickly. What I meant was, writers get inspirations for their writing. (Or where their writing comes from.) Some just think deeply about their ideas slowly. Some, like I said need more information about their topics so they just might finish their writing more than a month!! But, I’ll give you a tip: Before they write they always brainstorm. Your teachers might say, “Always brainstorm first before you write!” You might groan. But really, brainstorm can help you to get your thoughts down on paper.
But writing is so boring! Why write? Why do writers choose to write, than do any other hobby?
I guess you could say it’s their talent to write. But I won’t force you to write. But I’ll tell you why I write for an 8th grader. I admit when I was little I loved to write stories. Writing was part of my inspiration to be creative and imagitive. Writing gives you the motivation to learn knew things. When a writer discovers something he writes it all down. Just like Thomas Edison, when he created the first light bulb. Something new was created and he wrote it down and that became history. When people read something, it’s not all that boring. Discoveries are all part of history, which are all part of writing.
What do you like about writing? Why does it interest you? What was your inspiration to write?
My inspiration to write is reading books. I like books that are historical fiction. Some have adventures in them. So, here’s my point. Whenever I read a book, I think, “Wow, I want to write a story kind of like that,” or “I want to write a poem.”
Sometimes I get my inspirations from the news. I just want to write a book on my opinion. Other times, I write in my journal.
So, here’s my question: What do you believe in writing? What can you do to improve your writing?
If you’re still clueless or lost here are some quotes to help about writing.
I like to write, I don’t know about you, but writing is your own choice. You can make it for yourself. But, it is a good choice to make, because writing is awesome!!
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