In California, the Chumash tribe has a goddess: Goddess Hutash. She wanted the people to move to the mainland, where they could fill up the earth. So, she decided to build them a rainbow bridge, for them to cross. Hutash LOVED to watch the children play all day long, that's why she made the bridge.
Everyone was very excited. The children were singing joyously and their parents were dancing. Everyone was having fun. Some of them had already made it across. The ones who were still crossing the bridge, some of them looked down, and saw nothing but water. They felt sick and dizzy, and all the ones on the bridge, FELL!
The parents were afraid that their children would drown. Hutash saw this and was upset. But, she had an idea. As soon as the children hit the water, they turned into what we call..............................................................
.......................................................DOLPHINS! She did this so that they could play forever.
Today, the Chumash tribe always believe that dolphins are as smart as humans. I wanted to write this legend because I was inspired by the movie:
DOLPHIN TALE. I love this movie and my family does, too. Go to this website for more information.
Today, some people believe this story is true, because some say dolphins are
smart as humans. Go to the website to learn about it. For me, when watching the movie, this was my credible source. (No, I didn't watch it online) ENJOY!